Weekly Newsletter

November 26, 2024
Dr Benton

I write this hoping this message finds you well.  At this time, I would like to extend my thoughts for the month of November.  As a teacher, my lessons always included gratitude and thankfulness to grow capacity of compassion for others with my students. 

Recently at W.T. Sampson, I have seen many positives in our students, faculty, and staff. Students have walked through the door with a smile and a good morning.  The choir sang our Alma mater for the entire school.  Faculty are excitedly planning events for December to include students and parents.  Gratitude was extended to the hospital and its command for a great elementary STEM Career Day.  I am looking forward to what the rest of the year brings.

  • As we approach Thanksgiving and the holiday season, I want to share what I am thankful for: 
    • I am very thankful for today and the days ahead as our student learn and grow. 
    • I am thankful for our teachers and the lessons they plan for student learning. 
    • I am thankful for the teacher who learns a new strategy for student engagement and implements it in their classroom. 
    • I am thankful for our office staff, administrative officer, and facilities person who keep day to day operations in order. 
    • I am thankful for our school counselors who are always looking out for the best interest of students and their progression through school.
    • I am thankful for our nurse who cares for every student. 
    • I am thankful for our team of specialize teachers who support students with their needs. 
    • I am thankful for our classroom teachers who dedicate time to ensure students are engaged in instruction. 
    • I am thankful for our behind-the-scenes people who provide great meals and keep our facility tidy. 

Mostly, I am thankful for our students.  It truly is a joy to see them engaged and learning in their learning studios, when they are laughing at lunch, and when they stand up what is right.  All our students have the capacity for greatness, and I am thankful for those who assist in creating opportunities for each student to show their greatness.

What are you thankful for this season? 

To everyone, Happy Thanksgiving!  Have a restful break and see you in December.

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Grade Regular Hours Wednesday Hours
PK - 12 7:55 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. 7:55 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
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